How to Get Certified as A Mercedes Benz Mechanic

Published on 2020-10-27 22:17:35
2 min read

For high-end vehicles that are legendary for their longevity like the Mercedes Benz, servicing by a certified mechanic is crucial. Having undergone specific training programs, an accredited mechanics acquires the knowledge and skill to keep luxury vehicles in top shape, saving their owners extensive costs over the lifetime of the car. In return, good mechanics can earn a handsome income! If you are considering this career path, here is what you need to know.

Training Opportunities.

You can get Mercedes-Benz dealership certified to begin working with this prestigious brand in two ways:

  • First, through one of the two auto mechanic schools that partner with Mercedes (Mercedes Benz Automotive Systems Technical Program)
  • Secondly, through their partnership with the Universal Technical Institute (UTI)

Mercedes-Benz Technician Training Program started in the year 2012. It relied on the University of West Alabama and on Shelton State Community College to provide their students with the training essential required for them to work in automotive diagnostics or repair areas.

The training is undergone for six full terms of study and offers the students the opportunity to not only work at the Mercedes plant each week but to work directly with Mercedes Benz upon graduation. As a bonus point, students are also paid for their hours at the factory.

Mercedes-Benz has also partnered with the UTI to offer students two unique pathways to become certified mechanics. 

The first is through the ELITE START Program. Students are trained for 12 weeks on the operations used by dealerships in light repair and maintenance, after which they work for six months in the dealerships and then go on to become Qualified Technicians. It is also a paid program.

Courses covered include An Introduction to Mercedes Benz, Chassis Electronics, Driving Dynamics and Comfort Control Systems, Engine Management, and Pre-Delivery Inspection.

The second is through the DRIVE Program. This is a manufacturer-paid program open to those already with qualifications, that is, those who already work at dealerships but are simply eager to improve their skill set. Upon completion of this program, they will embark on a six-month employment at a dealership, after which they become Systems Technicians. Workshop specific exercises that will enable the technicians to diagnose and repair these luxury vehicles are taught.

Courses covered include An Introduction to Mercedes Benz, Brakes and Traction, Career Development, Basic Diagnostic Strategies, Climate Control, Disassembly, Engine Management Systems, Service Maintenance, and Suspension Telematics.

Whatever path you take to become
an in-demand Mercedes Benz Mechanic for a dealership or service center, your training will prove to be of immense value. 

Why are Certified Mercedes Mechanics in Demand?

Apart from the superior training which distinguishes Mercedes Benz Mechanics from regular mechanics, most of these dealerships offer complete preventive factory maintenance services specifically tailored for your model. From fluid changes to windshield wiper replacements, you can rest assured that your vehicle is in good hands. 

Certified Mercedes Benz Mechanics also use genuine Mercedes Benz parts for major repairs. They will never replace a factory part with a third-party component. These genuine parts are engineered to ensure your vehicle maintains top performance. The inferior parts which may be used by regular or non-certified mechanics can cause dangerous safety issues in the long run, and usually don’t last as long as the genuine parts.