thoughts, stories and ideas.

This is Infeeds, an online directory for news, stories and ideas. Share your story with us.

The Forgotten Art of Deep Work in a World of Constant Distractions

We live in an era of multitasking, where it feels like everyone is juggling dozens of things at once. But are we truly being productive, or just busy?

The Evolution of Technology, From Novelty to Necessity

Today, they are necessities. But how did we go from a world where the internet was a luxury to one where it's a basic need?

Sustainability - The Challenge of Our Generation

The choices we make today will define the future of our planet, and with growing concerns around climate change, it’s clear that action is needed.

The Power of Timeless Content in a Rapidly Changing Digital World

Whether it's a well-researched article, a thoughtful blog post, or a detailed guide, content that connects with its audience will always have a longer shelf life.

3 Top Tips for a Successful Destination Wedding in Singapore

One method that many couples now use to instantly make their day stand out from everybody else's is having a destination wedding - a wedding held in an exotic foreign location.

The 3 Main Ways in Which a Recipe Management System Could Improve Your Hospitality Firm

When it comes to operating any type of business, especially in the increasingly competitive hospitality industry around the world, ensuring a high level of efficiency is the key in order to maintain both your success and profitability.

What to Do If You Are Experiencing Pain in Your Wrists and You Are Looking For a Treatment

With so many available options, it is always nice when an idea is found which is away from the norm and offers the opportunity to do something others haven't considered.

How to make a Thai family holiday extra special by enjoying time on a chartered yacht

With so many available options, it is always nice when an idea is found which is away from the norm and offers the opportunity to do something others haven't considered.

How To Maximize Brand Awareness Through Video Production

This article will help you discover how your brand can effectively implement video production to enhance visibility and connect with your target audience.

The Forgotten Art of Deep Work in a World of Constant Distractions

We live in an era of multitasking, where it feels like everyone is juggling dozens of things at once. But are we truly being productive, or just busy?

Can IT Courses Help Me Break into the Tech Industry?

In this article, we'll explore how IT courses, including those that focus on technology fundamentals, can empower you to break into this dynamic field, the different types of courses available, and how you can leverage them to secure your spot in the industry.