The Evolution of Technology, From Novelty to Necessity

It wasn’t too long ago when smartphones, social media, and artificial intelligence were considered novelties. Today, they are necessities. But how did we go from a world where the internet was a luxury to one where it’s a basic need?

The Early Days of Innovation

Remember when dial-up connections made strange sounds and took ages to load a single webpage? Those were the days when technology felt like a futuristic add-on to life. Fast forward a couple of decades, and now technology drives almost everything we do, from work to leisure, education, and beyond.

The Rise of AI and Automation

With artificial intelligence (AI) advancing rapidly, we’re seeing technology go from being a tool we use, to a system that learns, predicts, and assists. AI has evolved from a concept of science fiction into something that impacts our daily lives—be it through virtual assistants, recommendation algorithms, or even healthcare innovations.

At Infeeds, we’re fascinated by these technological leaps and constantly feature articles that explore the future of AI, innovation, and beyond. We love diving into how these advancements shape not just industries but our day-to-day existence.

What’s Next?

As we look ahead, the future is poised to bring even more changes. From self-driving cars to quantum computing, the pace of technological advancement shows no sign of slowing down. The key will be learning to adapt, innovate, and integrate these new tools into our lives, keeping the human experience at the centre.

Written by

Adam Makins

I can and will deliver great results with a process that’s timely, collaborative and at a great value for my clients.