Benefits of Letting Children Watch Educational Videos

Published on 2020-02-11 16:47:28
3 min read


There’s an ongoing debate regarding the effects of videos, televisions, and other gadgets on the minds of young children. Some studies claimed that allowing kids to use these gadgets can harm their developing brains. However, several educational institutions believe that you can still use technology to your advantage if you want to install
early learning at home.

As long as you know how to use these gadgets appropriately, you can use it as a tool to teach your child some necessary skills that he or she will use later on in life. Here are several ways where educational videos and other learning gadgets can benefit your young children. 

Educational Videos Can Help Improve A Child’s Intellect

Several studies observed how watching educational programs on TV or other gadgets can promote children’s intelligence. A previous report claimed that letting children watch videos and TV shows with educational content can allow them to learn multiple intelligence like bodily-kinesthetic intelligence through action songs.

They will also learn spatial intelligence from the puzzle-solving segments featured in some shows. Other researches also claimed that letting young children watch TV for several hours a day can perform better in school than those who don’t watch TV.  

Educational Videos Can Serve As One Of Your Child’s First Teachers

Nowadays, you can find an educational program on TV or other gadgets that appeal to your child’s interest. These shows can let your child’s mind absorb different things and help them understand other topics not yet discussed in school. Also, these programs can emphasize what they previously learned from class and offer supplementary material as part of their early learning at home.   

Educational Videos Can Help Young Children Speak Foreign Languages

Remember Nickelodeon’s “Dora the Explorer” and ABC’s “The New Adventures of Madeline?” These animated series can help young children learn different languages faster compared to the adult members of the family. They learn by hearing how the characters use foreign words correctly. It will prompt them to follow what they heard and use the words in the right context. Aside from these shows, you can find a lot of other age-appropriate animated series or educational programs that focus on teaching kids foreign languages. 

Educational Videos Can Encourage Kids To Move 

One of the major concerns of parents when allowing their kids to watch videos on TV is the possibility of fostering a sedentary lifestyle. But you can avoid this by looking for educational programs that will encourage your child to get up from the couch and move around by following simple steps. These shows typically include games and songs that invite your child to dance along or do other activities like jump, skip, or hop. You may also find video programs tied up with certain educational games to help develop excellent motor and gross motor skills. 

Educational Videos Can Teach Children How To Sort Objects

You can find TV shows and other programs that teach young children to classify different objects. It will allow the kids to mix and match items and sort the odd ones out. The kids will learn how to use this skill in practical application, which can be an advantage when they start going to school. It also serves as their preparation for the early stages of math development.

Using TVs and other technological gadgets can have a lot of advantages when shaping the developing mind of your child. However, you need to make sure to limit their screen time so they can still do other stuff like playing and reading their books. Also, make sure that you scan the program first to see if it will be beneficial for your child’s development.