3 Top Tips for a Successful Destination Wedding in Singapore

Rather than relying on tradition to narrow down and guide choices about their big day, engaged couples today are increasingly focused on finding ways to make it unique and personal. One method that many couples now use to instantly make their day stand out from everybody else’s is having a destination wedding - a wedding held in an exotic foreign location. 

Not only does a destination wedding mean that couples can get married in a much more memorable setting, but it can also help ensure that there is good weather on the day. Naturally, well-connected tropical locations with year-round sunshine have become some of the most popular wedding destinations. Singapore is one of them. 

However, it is important for couples planning to marry in Singapore to understand the legal requirements and preparation they need to do in order to register their marriage there. This short guide outlines these requirements and offers a few tips for a successful Singaporean wedding. 

Legal weddings in Singapore must meet some requirements which likely differ from the couples’ home country. Firstly, the bride and the groom should be over 21 years old, which is an older age of majority than in most other countries. If either partner is aged between 18 and 21, the Singaporean authorities will need consent from that person’s parents or legal guardians.

Each member of the couple must also be free to marry, and in cases where one of them has been married before, that person will need to provide the authorities with proof of divorce or the death of their former spouse. 

One last legal hurdle is the requirement for foreign marriage candidates to have spent at least 15 continuous days in Singapore at some point in their lives before the wedding day. Many couples who don’t meet this requirement factor it into their wedding trip, arranging the wedding day in the third week of their stay. 

Other tasks, like filing a notice of marriage and arranging a solemniser to attend the wedding, are typically handled by hotels or other venues as part of the wedding package. 

2. Budget

Despite often costing more than getting married at home, destination weddings have been a trend since at least 2023. How are so many couples able to afford them? Because they set and stick to a budget. Weddings in Singapore average around $30,000, but can cost more than double that if you’re not careful.

3. Time it right

TIming plays an important role in sticking to your budget, booking your dream venue, and looking and feeling your best on the day. The influence of Chinese and Christian beliefs in Singapore means that most celebrations, including weddings, happen between December and February. 

If you can, consider having your ceremony outside of this period. You’re more likely to get your ideal venue, and there are months outside of this range when the weather is cooler and drier.


If you’ve made sure you meet the legal requirements for getting married in Singapore, chosen an appropriate time and set a sensible budget, then Singapore has the venues, scenery, and weather to make your ceremony truly stunning and unique.

Written by

Alena Curtis

I have experience in photographing beauty, fashion, e-commerce, and product photography for various brands.