How To Maximize Brand Awareness Through Video Production

Brand awareness is the cornerstone for cultivating sustainable growth and success for your business. It keeps your brand at the forefront of a customer’s mind so they choose your product or service over the competition. In an age of digital saturation, stand out from the crowd with compelling video production. Highlight who you are and enhance engagement through brand video production.

Brand awareness is only as effective as your video marketing strategies. In this helpful guide, we’ll explore different techniques for leveraging video production to boost brand awareness and create impactful videos. 

This article will help you discover how your brand can effectively implement video production to enhance visibility and connect with your target audience.

What Is Brand Awareness?

Brand awareness is more than a marketing buzzword; it’s an important and helpful term that categorizes how familiar an audience is with your product or service. Think of successful brands like Pepsi, McDonald’s, or Nike. These names are recognized globally, and as soon as you hear their names, you will most likely picture soda, burgers, and athletic shoes within seconds. That’s the power of brand awareness.

More than recognition, brand awareness is also perception. Do consumers have positive associations with your brand? If a customer first recognizes your brand and has a positive perception of it, they are more likely to reach for your product or use your service. The higher your brand awareness, the more likely it is that customers will remember to choose your brand over the competition.

Why Is Video Production Important for Brand Visibility?

Brand video production is one of the most effective tools for boosting visibility so audiences recognize and connect with your brand. When you use compelling storytelling and eye-catching visuals, videos can grab your audience’s attention while forging emotional connections. An effective tool for communication, videos can attract, connect, and engage your audiences while delivering information faster than lengthy text.

Videos can also improve SEO and drive engagement. Algorithms tend to favor video content. Use video production to boost your rankings in search engine results, increase traffic to your website, drive engagement, and ultimately, generate more leads.

How To Boost Brand Awareness With Brand Video Production

Here are a few key tips on how your brand can create impactful videos that build brand awareness:

Video Format Matters

There are many different video formats to choose from when creating video content, depending on what you hope to communicate to your audience. Are you sharing your brand message, instructing how to use a product, introducing new products, highlighting team members and company culture, or showcasing user experience?

Select from one of these video formats to effectively increase brand awareness and share your message:

  • Educational or how-to videos: Demonstrate how to use a product or teach a new skill.

  • Explainer videos: Explain your product or service, showcasing how it can solve a consumer’s problems. Offer tips on how to use new products.

  • Testimonial videos: Feature customers and their stories; how have they benefited from using your product or service?

  • Brand story videos: Connect with audiences by sharing your brand message and story.

  • Behind-the-scenes videos: Pull back the curtain by documenting the inner workings of your company and who the people are behind the brand.

Storytelling Is Key

Stories are powerful. They can shape who we are, create connections, influence perceptions, and form emotional bonds. Practice these storytelling techniques to help shape compelling stories:

  • Create a narrative: What is the overarching narrative of your video? Choose a clear and straightforward message that weaves throughout your script. A narrative can unfold in a linear or non-linear timeline.

  • Establish your audience: Knowing who your message is for will help shape the narrative and how it unfolds.

  • Follow an arc: The best stories have a beginning, middle, and end. Though this does not have to resolve linearly, there should still be a story arc. What are you setting up, and how is it resolved?

  • Keep it simple: Simple, short, and clear messages translate better than lengthy, convoluted messages that can lose your audience’s attention or leave them confused.

  • Show, don’t tell: Videos are visual storytelling. Use imagery and an actor’s performance to show your core message. Using dialogue or text to deliver exposition or information can fall flat, failing to engage your audience in the narrative.

Choose the Right Video Distribution

Once you’ve created an impactful video, you must get it in front of an audience to effectively boost brand awareness. Consider which video channels and posting schedules are best to reach your target audience.

Which video channels are proper for you largely depends on your target audience and video format. Short-form content performs well on TikTok, where you can reach a younger demographic. Long-form content performs well on YouTube and lends itself better to explainer and how-to videos. To connect with professionals, consider posting to LinkedIn. 

Different channels can also determine the types of videos you create. Your brand may approach personality and tone differently when posting on TikTok versus LinkedIn. Remember, consistency is key to gaining visibility and engagement.

Further Tips on Crafting Impactful Videos

Video storytelling humanizes your brand. To create impactful videos, remember to:

  • Tell a story.

  • Establish tone and personality—is your brand playful or inspirational?

  • Use emotion—music, color theory, and lighting can all influence tone and spark emotion.

  • Be authentic.

  • Be brief.

  • End with a call to action.

  • Prioritize quality.

Consider partnering with a production team to maximize quality. A full-service marketing and video production team, such as Pretzel Logic Productions, has the creative and technical resources to bring your story to life. They will have the necessary skills and equipment to deliver videos with clear picture quality and sound. Their creative storytelling will be achieved through lighting, music selection, imagery, cinematography, scripting, and clever editing.

With compelling brand video production, you have the power to attract audiences, foster emotional connections, and drive your brand awareness to new levels.

Written by

Adam Makins

I can and will deliver great results with a process that’s timely, collaborative and at a great value for my clients.